Your Growth in Substance Abuse Recovery: Step 2

This is the second in a series about maximizing your growth in substance abuse counseling in Denver. Much of what was covered in the November post on addiction recovery is what you and your professional mental health support system can do for you whether you are in sober living or in counseling. Mental health and psychology originated in the Church.

Substance Abuse and 12 Step Groups

Today we will talk about Step 2 in 12 Step programs and how you can dramatically increase your chances of recovery as a Christian. I can affirm from personal experience in two years of sessions with people overcoming alcohol and substance use addictions from many walks of life, a spiritual life offers hope and strength. if you are searching for God or even better, a follower of Jesus Christ you have a distinct advantage over people focused on behavior changes.

Any of you that have been in AA, CA (Cocaine Anonymous), MA , NA or AlAnon (family groups of those who love someone who is addicted) have heard Step 2 which is “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step group. See References below for group links. Groups are an excellent way to pursue your journey toward God in a context that allows group members to share their spiritual growth experiences as a source of encouragement and hope. No advice or critique is allowed. If you’re in a group where you don’t resonate with someone; try a few different in-person or online groups. Some are international, for those who prefer something other than communicating in English or immersion in American culture. 

One book that I have found to be extremely helpful in gaining victory in your personal faith walk is Upper Dogs by Sarah Thiessen and Heather Hughes (2013). This ok details what it looks like to be an Underdog in Christianity, both being too passive or too aggressive. The rest of the book is what it looks like when we take advantage of our power in Christ. We have the spiritual advantage to acquire victory in every area of our lives; God gives us many promises in the Bible. The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4.12). The Holy Spirit lives in us and is changing us. Believe.

For people who doubt they can hear or connect to God, Upper Dogs dives into the many ways we do hear from God.  He has given his all for a relationship with humanity and all we have to do is accept his gift of Jesus Christ. Hannah Whitehall Smith’s book The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life (1875) covers how we can know God is speaking to us in practical ways, starting with reading and studying the Bible, the baseline of all knowledge about God. The community of believers which is the Church all over the world is another place and means to grow in your faith. Get involved.

For more encouragement about hearing God, I just wanted to leave you with some questions and examples so that you can walk away knowing that you have heard and seen God active in your life. Remember when you’ve had a verse pop into your mind? Remember when you’ve had someone in your thoughts that you feel the desire to pray for or call? Have you had a dream that you cannot forget, you want to know what it means? Have you had a series of inspired thoughts that break into your normal day, ie ”being in the flow.”. You may indeed have heard from God and you just didn’t know it. 

How does this tie into substance abuse recovery? When I am prompted to do something good, when it’s not my idea and I need help from God to do it, that’s when I know for certain that it’s the Lord that’s speaking. It always works better the sooner I act on it. Stay connected to God by talking/praying and listening day and night. I know many of you have been prompted to change, you’re in the Contemplation or Preparation stages. Why not ask God what your next step is? Then ask him to give you the will and the strength to take it. Don’t delay. Today is the day, one step at a time. 


AA Denver -

CA Denver -

Celebrate Recovery -

MA Colorado -

NA Denver -

AlAnon Teens/AlAnon Adults -


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