Top Myths about Substance Abuse: Why Get Substance Counseling in Denver?

Many people believe myths that prevent them from going to real sources of help and finding the strength and support they need. Remember Jesus said that He is the Way the Truth and the Life and that the truth will set you free (from substance abuse too)? Grab on to all you believe that is true: your faith and the Word are incredible recovery resources! Take some time to read, do a screen and take it in; then consider how to move forward this year in a new life-giving way.

1. The recovery rate from substance and alcohol abuse disorders is bad news.

A separate study published by the CDC and the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2020 found 3 out of 4 people who experience addiction eventually recover. That’s a 75% recovery rate!

2. You need to go to detox, rehab, or a Medically Assisted Treatment Center to quit using. 

Only about 10 percent of people with a substance use disorder receive any type of specialty treatment.

3. Substance abuse is a disease that needs to be treated by a doctor and prescriptions. 

This article looks at the two traditional models used in addiction treatment, Disease and Moral Models, and offers the alternative of the choice model which gives you back the power to be an active agent in recovery. Now this idea has documented research results.

4. I can quit whenever I want.

The idea that you can quit without support, even after multiple failures, seems like wrong thinking. Secrecy is the way to prolong your attachment to alcohol, substances, and behavioral addictions. Creating a support network is key to all forms of recovery which is why many successful people join 12-step groups, admit to their failings and seek spiritual support. Groups are a mirror to how others experience us. For those of you who still hold on to privacy, you may want to consider a substance abuse counselor.

I hope this helps you seek help from substance abuse with Christian counseling in Denver, CO. If you are still feeling stuck, call me at 720-577-5985 or book a free 15 minute consultation on my calendar. I’d be happy to hear what is happening and direct you to the right person. If you are looking for more help with addictions please take a look here.


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