How forgiveness works to restore relationships with trauma treatment and Christian counseling.

All of us have had trauma - you have been hurt by someone emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Forgiveness is important for your own healing and this can happen whether you see the other person again or not. In fact, saying “I forgive you” to a person who doesn’t believe they are wrong is not a good idea. It opens you to even more hurt and rejection. So let's talk about how forgiveness, trauma, and Christian mind/body treatment, all work together.

Trauma therapy and Christian counseling in Denver, CO

I use a unique Christian mind/body trauma treatment that helps restore relationships. This is talk therapy plus mind/body work. It removes the fallout of trauma sometimes all at once, other times in layers. You don’t have to be a Christian to have it work, but so you know, all the practitioners are Christians. One of the tools we use is something like emotional acupuncture which uses both touch and the meridian system. Forgiveness is an integral part of the work.

The therapist tests for emotions with muscle testing, like your chiropractor. Many times a session will have work around a central emotion followed by a number of emotions that were also present in the trauma. Since many times we are doing work around a specific event at a certain age, by the time we clear several emotions you will probably have an idea of what happened. You may know what the trauma is or your subconscious may resist. Don’t worry, we work with resistance all the time.

Forgiveness work is for one trauma at a time, using Christian counseling in Denver.

If an emotion does not clear, then forgiveness is the next step. We will be talking throughout the entire process and test you for whom to forgive - you forgive yourself? forgive God? God forgives you? or you forgive someone else? This is a safe type of forgiveness. The forgiveness statement should resonate with you. It is generated with your insights and the therapist's input. If it doesn’t ring true, then talk about it and find something you can say honestly. It has to fit the context of the age, emotion, and trauma.

Forgiveness is a quick and many times an act of the will. You may not feel anything. It’s a routine practice that speaks to the power of words to change you in every way. Your therapist is guiding you through it. When you leave you will have a lot of material to reflect on, especially if you took notes. You may also have some homework to build you up during the week. The homework assignments will vary but are quick and fun. They are mind/body work as well.

Forgiveness does work with sometimes amazing results.

Hope all this sounds exciting to you. You will walk out of the session feeling lighter; more connected to yourself, God and to others. Call me or schedule a free 15 minute consult.


The Mother Wound and Father Wound: Healing trauma at it’s source.


How do you heal from trauma you can’t remember?