How does Christian counseling use mind/body work for relationships?

This mind/body work is like acupuncture for the emotions surrounding a trauma. Sometimes the relief is immediate and other times it’s a gradual process of clearing out emotions stored in your body. At the same time, you will let go of lies and ways of coping that don’t serve you and block your relationship with God, yourself and others.

What if I don’t believe in prayer or Jesus; can I still use Christian counseling?

You do not have to be a Christian, just be open to prayer. You don’t have to believe in Jesus Christ’s saving work, but I do and that is enough. You can bring your agenda to the session, but be willing to submit to God’s leading and work.

What if I get triggered by the trauma?

When there’s resistance you get to do forgiveness work that involves tapping and speaking out forgiveness. Other times you will be saying self-affirming words. Words and intention matter. The statements you make have to resonate with you and the context of the trauma. Suppose you can’t remember or you don’t remember accurately? Don’t worry you can still experience the benefits of emotional healing. 

Relationships with yourself and God are the place you start. Experiencing love and forgiveness from God, and then forgiving yourself will overflow into better connections with others.

What treatments does Christian counseling use?

In this practice, we integrate muscle testing (like chiropractors do), EMDR, and tapping. At the beginning or end of the session, you may be tapping body and head points to cope with emotions about the session. You may have tapping homework, with scriptures to meditate on, to empower you during the week.

Begin Christian counseling for trauma treatment in Denver today.

If you are ready to begin to reconnect with yourself again, call 720-577-5985 or schedule online for a free 15-minute consultation. For more about trauma therapy in central Denver look here. You can also find more at my contact and home page.


How do you heal from trauma you can’t remember?


Trauma Therapy In Denver: Christian Mind-Body Work