When the Turkey’s Gone: How to Manage the Post-Thanksgiving Blues

Whether the last guest is gone or you’ve decided to spend the day alone, you may feel a letdown about the holiday that you used to love and look forward to. The contrast between your Thanksgiving Day and a return to normal can leave you with feelings of anxiety, fatigue, sadness, and loneliness.

Would you like to hear some helpful tips about managing those post-Thanksgiving blues? The following are some suggestions for regaining a sense of peace and purpose.

Recognizing the Post-Thanksgiving Blues

Common emotions that people feel after Thanksgiving are:

  • Sadness, loneliness and loss of better times

  • Fatigue - overplanning and underplanning can both be the cause of depression which leaves you feeling tired all of the time.

  • Stress about the upcoming Christmas/Hanukkah and Kwanza holidays.

Your feelings may shift during Thanksgiving with the stress of holiday preparations, high energy events, phone calls and Facebook posts or even physical factors like overeating and disrupted sleep. Many times connecting with family or friends you haven’t seen for a while may evoke feelings and memories that affect your feelings, moods and thoughts. On the other hand you may be missing all the people that were once a part of your life.

Honor the Feelings, Don’t Ignore Them

Practice some self-awareness. Notice what you heart and body are feeling instead of brushing your emotions aside. Talk to yourself kindly. Tell yourself “it’s ok to feel these things” affirming that your feelings are valid. Remember the feelings will pass if you allow yourself to feel them in the moment.

Talk to God about all this, He cares about every detail of your life.

Reflect on the good things - whether it was the people, the food or the setting - write it down in a journal to remember. Keep a gratitude journal.

Shift Focus to Self-Care

Maybe rest and recharge is the first thing you can do. If your body and mind are tired, take a nap when you can. It may be just 20 minutes during your half hour lunch. In Genesis 1, the central theme is the Sabbath rest. Are you taking the same day off every week for rest and pacing yourself? For people who have not felt effective in their work and tired all the time, a nap each day is a small step in the interim. Some days you can simply spend a few quiet hours reading or relaxing. Go to bed the same time every night and get up close to the same time every morning.

Start doing those things you know will get your energy level up. Exercise. Take a walk in your beautiful place. Get up every hour from your desk and walk around; do some stretches and maybe dance to some music.

Get back to your healthy diet and drink at least 8 cups of water a day.

Reconnect with Yourself and Others

Reconnect with yourself by doing a word search in your Bible app for your identity “in Christ.” Remember what thinking and actions are part of the new creation He you already are through asking Jesus into your life. Be aware that He is transforming you daily by His Word and your time with him in prayer, meditation and awareness of his presence. Spend some time thanking and praising God; trusting that he is working good for those who love Him.

Be intentional about thanking people for small kindnesses; Check in with loved ones and friends with a phone call or text. Schedule a time together for a cup of coffee or tea.

Today is Colorado Gives Day. You can give to people with your time and money, who will never have the opportunity to pay you back. Sometimes focusing on someone else can help you overcome loneliness. Get involved in a local church, synagogue, charity, or volunteer opportunity, especially with the holiday season here.

Embrace the Spirit of the season, really listen to and enjoy the songs. Celebration can happen in the most difficult of circumstances if you are intentional about it.

If You Need Extra Help, Seek Support

It’s normal to feel some ups and downs during the holiday season, whether you are overwhelmed with activities or bored. If you need further support, call your Christian counselor in Denver at 720-577-5571 or book a free 15-minute consult.


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