The Top 3 Truths About Trauma Therapy and Christian Counseling in Denver, CO
Do you know that there are myths about trauma therapy in Denver, CO today? One myth is you need to work with an exclusively EMDR therapist or someone who uses Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). True these are the preferred modalities by insurance companies many times because of the reduced number of sessions, but the truth is that you may benefit with a more complex treatment that is tailored to your needs that day.
You can shop for a trauma therapist and/or a Christian counselor in Denver.
It’s hard to focus in on a trauma therapist in Denver because when you do a Google search there are pages and pages of individual and group counseling practices who list themselves as treating trauma . It can be a daunting search for anyone. One size doesn’t fit all. Getting a referral from a friend doesn't mean that person will work for you.
Take advantage of those free 15 minute consultations. If you do a few interviews when you shop for trauma therapists who are Christian counselors, you will probably get better treatments results. Talk to several therapists/counselors and see who aligns with your thinking, beliefs, and worldview. Are you experiencing hope and joy when you talk to this person? Do you have a sense of peace that this is a good investment and you have choices.
You will also develop some trust muscles from what you’ve learned. Trust in yourself and know that your gut sense (intuition) serves you well or maybe you have a leading from the Holy Spirit based on circumstances or what you read in Scriptures that day. Trust God for an answer to your prayers and expect to hear. Ask and keep asking, knock and keep knocking. You can benefit from trusting the therapist you chose is the best choice for the present.
You can know if trauma therapy is working.
Your therapist can do brief assessments before and after the session or once a month to review your emotional and psychological well-being. They may do something as simple as a brief verbal check-in, or a secondary assessment after the initial assessments are done during your intake. Maybe you therapist will give you an evaluation form at the end of the session.
You can also judge for yourself by journaling and paying attention. Yes, therapy is work on your part and you may get worse before you feel better. This possibility is usually addressed in your contract with your therapist. Read your Client-Counselor Agreement and/or Disclosure Statement.
Getting the best results in trauma therapy and Christian counseling in Denver.
Coming to therapy weekly is the key to seeing results, and seeing your therapist in-person or online video are where I see the most client progress. Phone calls and texting are last resorts due to more miscommunication from lack of visual and auditory cues, i.e. facial expressions, body language, intonation, pacing, emphasis, and spelling/punctuation mistakes.
Give it some time, at least a month. If you have a sense something isn’t working, let your therapist know and make a pivot in treatment or review your treatment plan to set new goals.
How I can help you with trauma recovery and Christian counseling in Denver, CO.
The key to any success in therapy is the relationship between the client and the therapist. That is the number one source of healing. I am a trauma therapist in Denver as well as a Christian counselor which means that we have the added help and counsel of the Holy Spirit. The three (you, the Holy Spirit, and me) or four (in couples/family therapy) of us working together can accomplish visible changes in as soon as the first few sessions together. At times your partner would benefit from sitting in on your sessions.
Prayer is an active part of therapy; as well as EMDR and TFT. You can be free of the emotions that have been stored in your body by using something that looks like emotional acupuncture (touching a head and body part, no needles), but the healing goes deeper into your body, soul, and spirit. We will dive into your motivations to overcome thinking that is working against you.
I hope these pointers help you find the right trauma therapist and Christian counselor in Denver CO. When you’re not making progress in your overall health or relationships call for a free 15-minute phone consultation at (720) 577-5985 or book the consult online. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with trauma therapy, you can read more about how I can help here.