Loving yourself: How to treat trauma symptoms in-between Christian counseling sessions.
How to love yourself when you need immediate attention? This is about an in-the-moment way to calm or soothe yourself when you feel the anger or fear rising. Here are a few things that may help when you call and no-one picks up phone, or your medication has run out and you have to wait to see your doctor.
A combination of biological, mental, and spiritual self-care with qualified professionals to give you direction and support meets the mental health gold standard. Since no one except God is available 24/7, it is good to have a few things to soothe yourself in a healthy way, when you are distressed.
Take a few minutes to love yourself and treat your trauma.
Slow, deep, relaxed inhales and exhales, 5 in and 5 out (ie - 1000, 2000, 3000 . . . )
Meditation and scripture reading - Western meditation is focused on our Trinitarian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and what speaks to you from a scripture reading or morning meditation (ie, UK Jesuit app - https://pray-as-you-go.org).
Self-talk - “Even if I’m experiencing ________, I love and accept myself just as I am.
Use EFT or TFT - this is a tapping algorithm for trauma on your meridian points.
I am not telling you that you can overcome trauma by a few minutes of do-it-yourself. Someone once said we get wounded in community (i.e. family, church, work) and we get healed in community. Try to find a support group, possibly AA, NA or Al-Anon for coping with substance use issues (alcohol, marijuana) or a certified peer support specialist. Groups that are non-spiritual may be more effective for you if you are avoiding 12-step groups. There are support groups for grief and loss; victims of domestic violence; sex-trafficking victims; and severe illnesses such as cancer. People meet in varied contexts including churches and sometimes at a hospital. Another option that many people choose for privacy and higher level care is individual or family pastoral and/or mental health counseling.
Begin trauma treatment and Christian counseling in Denver today.
If you are ready to get help for your unmet needs, call 720-577-5571 or schedule online for a free 15-minute consultation. For more about trauma therapy in central Denver see here.